Woodbury Community Church Sermons



This is the weekly podcast of Woodbury Community Church in Woodbury, MN. We are located at 2975 Pioneer Drive in Woodbury. If you'd like more information about our church, please contact us at (651) 739-1427 or e-mail us at woodburycommunitychurch@msn.com.


  • Creating Space for God to Speak to You


    We live loud, crowded lives. There are so many voices competing for our attention that sometimes it is hard to hear and discern the voice of God. This sermon will challenge us to practice Biblical meditation, listening for God’s voice, and to take a Sabbath so that God can speak to us. Psalm 131 is one of the final Psalms that King David wrote. He had been humbled, shown grace, and was writing about the most important things in life. This Psalm of Ascent would have been sung by worshippers at Solomon’s Temple as they prepared to enter God’s holy house. (Psalm 131)

  • Leaving a Godly Legacy


    David should have known better. The chinks in his armor when he became king were about to be blown wide open. The man after God’s own heart was about to do something so egregious that it would have permanent consequences for his family. David’s sin with Bathsheba began with a compromise, was fueled by a spirit of covetousness, was followed by a cover-up and led to devastating consequences. David’s family was never the same. We can learn a lot from David’s failure. We all leave a legacy, will it be a godly legacy or a tragic one? (2 Samuel 11, Psalm 32:3-4)

  • An Everlasting Covenant


    God’s promise to David was fulfilled in part in the Old Testament, was fulfilled further in the New Testament, is being fulfilled further, even today, and will be ultimately fulfilled ultimately in eternity. The Davidic covenant is an eternal covenant and so important to understand. Understanding God’s covenant with David helps us understand His heart toward Israel and helps us understand the grace offered to all through His Son, Jesus Christ. (2 Samuel 7, Psalm 132)

  • Highs and Lows


    For a guy who was called a man after God’s own heart, David did some pretty stupid things! Just after being anointed King over Israel, David started to show some chinks in his spiritual armor. The funny thing is, he couldn’t see it. Sometimes in our “spiritual highs” we forget some of the most basic principles of following Jesus. A relationship with Christ can’t be based solely on emotion. It also can’t be based solely on reason. Through David and Michal’s relationship we see the danger of both extremes, and recognize that in the end a life that exists to glorify ourselves brings misery. A live that is lived for His glory brings ultimate satisfaction. (2 Samuel 5-6, Psalm 106-107)

  • Good Just Isn't Enough


    Scripture and personal experience teach us that our natural human condition is godless, unrighteous and hopeless. The only answer is Christ, His righteousness and His hope. (Psalm 14, Romans 3:9-24)

  • When Doing Things Our Way Backfires


    David was tired of living as a fugitive. King Saul’s relentless hunt for him had taken its toll. God had delivered David, used David as a tool in how to handle difficult people, and was building a group of faithful men who would follow David anywhere, but David couldn’t see the good things that we happening any longer. In desperation he flees to the land of the Philistines, living as a mercenary prince among them. It wasn’t God’s plan and would lead to disastrous results. This sermon will challenge us to submit ourselves to the plans of God, even when it appears like He isn’t working on our behalf. When we do, God is honored and we will reap the rewards that He has for us. (1 Samuel 27-30)

  • Easter's Gifts


    The resurrection of Jesus Christ is the single greatest event that the world has ever witnessed. When Christ rose from the dead, He defeated death and Satan and sealed the victory for all who trust in Him. We give each other gifts at Christmastime to represent the gifts that God gave us in sending in Son Jesus into the world. At Easter time we can celebrate the gifts God offers us – salvation and the gift of the Holy Spirit. The gift of the Holy Spirit was given to the disciples Easter Sunday (John 20:22). That spectacular gift was only given to a few Old Testament saints, including young David (1 Samuel 16:13). 1 Samuel 16:7 tells us that God doesn’t look at the outside appearance but looks upon the heart. Big Idea: This Easter let God examine your heart. Accept His gift of salvation and experience the gift of the Holy Spirit. (1 Samuel 16, John 20:19-23)

  • Courage Under Fire


    The events that occurred on Maundy Thursday show two very different approaches to spiritual warfare. Jesus endured the trial of hell, taking Satan’s fury and God the Father’s wrath and turning it into our redemption. The majority of Christ’s disciples fled, cowering due to fear and caving into Satan’s scheme. This sermon will challenge us to learn from the example of Jesus. Big Idea: Courage roars loudest when we yield ourselves to God’s will, no matter the cost. (Luke 22:39-46)

  • Jesus, Our Redeemer


    Jesus came so that outsiders might have the opportunity to become insiders. He came so that we could be rescued from our sin and find a place in God’s family. He came to redeem mankind. The book of Ruth is not just a great love story; it’s a story of redemption and a story of courage. It took courage for Boaz to take Ruth as his bride. By understanding the themes of Ruth, we have a better understanding of Jesus, to whom the crowds shouted, “Hosanna to the Son of David! Hosanna in the highest! Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord!” Hosanna means, “Save.” And that’s what Jesus and Boaz do. (Ruth, Matthew 1:5, Matthew 21:6-11)

  • Courageous Leadership at Home


    Joshua was now an old man. He had been given the privilege of leading the Children of Israel into the Promised Land. Now, just before his death, Joshua would give the nation a challenge. In Joshua 24, Joshua spoke on behalf of the Lord. He shared the history of the nation up to this point. Then he drew a line in the sand. Israel could choose to either follow God or not. Christian homes have always been marked as homes that serve the Lord. There is no denying the fact that godly parents have a radical impact on their children. This sermon will challenge us to be people who will follow Joshua and take the courageous challenge to follow God, no matter the obstacles, no matter the cost, no matter the consequences. (Joshua 24)

  • Be Courageous


    Joshua’s life reads like a spy novel. The spy, turned general, turned leader of the nation of Israel may have appeared on the outside to have all the courage in the world. But, even heroes get scared. Even heroes can be overwhelmed when the task before them is great. In Joshua 1:1-9, God gives Joshua instruction on courage, letting him know that He was with him wherever he went. Three times Joshua is commanded to be strong and courageous, for God would lead Israel to the victories He had promised. (Joshua 1:1-9)

  • Learning From Other's Mistakes


    The book of Deuteronomy is a book of transition. Whereas the book of Numbers took place over almost a 39 year period, the book of Deuteronomy takes place over a one month period before the Children of Israel finally make it out of the wilderness. The Exodus Generation has passed and the Wilderness Generation must learn the lessons that their parents failed to learn.  In this book, the law is given once again as a reminder to live as a holy generation. Moses gives 5 sermons in this book. We’ll look at the lessons gleaned from his first sermon in Deuteronomy 1-4. Big Idea: If we don’t learn from the past, we’re doomed to repeat the same mistakes. Learn from other’s mistakes and cling fast to God. (Deuteronomy 1-4)

  • Snakes in Your House

    05/03/2012 Duration: 27min

    Years and years of wilderness wandering, wars and struggles were taking the toll upon the Children of Israel. The generation that had escaped Egypt was dying out. A new generation was taking root. The grumbling against God passed from one generation to another, and God’s wrath sent fiery serpents among the people. Many died. Only those who gazed upon a bronze serpent on a pole could live. God’s peculiar instruction to the people was a foreshadowing of our need for Jesus, who would be lifted up on the cross. Our sin is like the serpent’s bite. Sin, not dealt with, leads to death. We must receive the gift of salvation offered to us by Christ’s work on the cross for eternal life. (Numbers 21:4-9; John 3:14-18)

  • Faith in the Midst of Fear

    27/02/2012 Duration: 35min

    Even though God had promised Israel the Promised Land, when they came face to face with their mission, they ran in fear.  Fear can be traced back to a lack of faith and trust in God’s sovereignty and plan for our lives.  We need to see the example of Caleb and Joshua who saw and believed in God’s promises and be the Faithful who stare down fear and persevere. (Numbers 13-14)

  • How a Nation Loses God's Blessing

    19/02/2012 Duration: 41min

    So often, when we talk about holiness, we think about individual holiness. When God chose the Children of Israel as His people, He was calling a nation unto himself. In Leviticus 18-20 God gave the Children of Israel stern warnings not to adopt the pagan practices of their neighboring countries, or the countries that they would drive out of the Promised Land. Sexual immorality (chapter 18, chapter 20), not training our children to honor God (chapter 19), not honoring our neighbors, including the needy, the stranger, the employee, and those with disabilities (chapter 19), ignoring God’s laws (chapter 19), engaging in witchcraft and sorcery (chapter 19), not honoring our elders (chapter 19), engaging in cultic activities (chapter 20), and ignoring the call to holiness would destroy the nation. Eventually Israel would lose God’s blessings. America has enjoyed the blessing of God over the years for the way the nation has honored God. Could it be that we are on the path to losing God’s blessing? (Leviticus 18-20)

  • Holiness

    12/02/2012 Duration: 37min

    Leviticus is the book that derails many people in their attempt to read through the Bible in a year. The laws seem old, archaic and have seemingly nothing to do with Gentile believers. When looked at as a whole, Leviticus gives us an understanding of the holiness of God and the expectation of holiness that God has for his people. The first half of the book speaks about the way to approach God and the second half teaches us how to walk with God. Big Idea: God has called you to live a holy (set apart) life. Salvation is not the end of God’s plan for your life, it’s the beginning of his call and purpose for you. (Leviticus)

  • American Idols

    05/02/2012 Duration: 32min

    The Children of Israel were quick to depart from law of God. When they became tired of waiting and uncertain of God’s plan, they replaced God with a golden calf. Sometimes we’re guilty of the same type of thing without even realizing it. This sermon will challenge us to strip ourselves of anything that we are putting ahead of God in our lives. (Exodus 32)

  • When God Chooses You

    29/01/2012 Duration: 36min

    Moses was uniquely qualified to lead God’s children out of slavery and into the Promised Land. The problem was, Moses didn’t want the job and didn’t feel that he was at all qualified. Sometimes God calls us to do things that we think are absurd. When God calls you to do something, don’t argue. Follow His lead. Don’t make excuses. There is no better place to be than in the center of God’s will. (Exodus 3-4)

  • Your God-Given Identity

    22/01/2012 Duration: 41min

    Using Jacob's struggle with God as our launching point, we'll be talking about how life in Christ gives every believer a brand new identity.  We are sons and daughters of God.  We are accepted by him.  Our lives are filled with love and forgiveness.  We can call him "Abba" (Daddy). After our own struggles with God, it's time to live according to who GOD says we are -- not what the whispers of our past say or the negative voices to which we've always been forced to listen!  Just as God changed Jacob's name, we receive a new identity when we come to Jesus. (Genesis 32:22-32)

  • God's Incredible Sacrifice

    15/01/2012 Duration: 39min

    Genesis 22 is one of the most misunderstood texts in all of Scripture. Modern skeptics teach that our God encourages infanticide, even though Leviticus, Jeremiah, 2 Kings, Psalms and Ezekiel all condemn the practice. God’s testing of Abraham was a foreshadowing of the gift that he would give us in Jesus. Our salvation required God to make the ultimate sacrifice in giving His son Jesus to us. Abraham’s faith and fear of God are tested in this passage that reveals to us the love of the Father for you and for me. (Genesis 22)

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